Tech-enabled Sustainable Architecture Solutions

Total construction value
$ 0 .0+ bn
# of projects
0 +
Our Solution

ZEB solutions


End-to-end sustainability solutions,
delivered across every stage of architectural projects – from design and construction to operations and maintenance.

Optimized sustainability

Cloud-based, real-time optimization and management solutions, delivering data-driven support tailored to achieve optimal outcomes for ZEB, ESG, and RE100

Innovation research and development

Innovative AI-driven solutions for integrated research and development, focusing on performance assessment, data extraction, optimization, and IP advancements.

Platform & Financing
Curated platform integrating advanced marketplace and financing, driven by strategic partnerships with top institutions, leveraging diverse capital sources
Sustainable design

Comprehensive simulation and analysis for building sustainability, energy fficiency, and compliance with diverse standard systems

BIPV and system engineering

Insulation, waterproof, drainage, fireproof, sound absorption, etc. with Building-Integrated Photovoltaics systems (BIPV) and other architectural engineering systems

Architectural design

Comprehensive architectural design services, integrating creativity and functionality to align with diverse special project requirements.


End-to-end sustainability solutions,
delivered across every stage of architectural projects – from design and construction to operations and maintenance.

Sustainable design

Comprehensive simulation and analysis for building sustainability, energy fficiency, and compliance with diverse standard systems

Optimized sustainability

Cloud-based, real-time optimization and management solutions, delivering data-driven support tailored to achieve optimal outcomes for ZEB, ESG, and RE100

BIPV and system engineering

Insulation, waterproof, drainage, fireproof, sound absorption, etc. with Building-Integrated Photovoltaics systems (BIPV) and other architectural engineering systems

Innovation research and development

Innovative AI-driven solutions for integrated research and development, focusing on performance assessment, data extraction, optimization, and IP advancements.

Architectural design

Comprehensive architectural design services, integrating creativity and functionality to align with diverse special project requirements.

Platform & Financing
Curated platform integrating advanced marketplace and financing, driven by strategic partnerships with top institutions, leveraging diverse capital sources

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